Calling all builders.

Partner with us to access high quality, turn-key jobs in the Bay Area.

Type Five ADU

Bring your trade. We’ll handle the rest.

We'll provide you a consistent and friendly process tailored for your operation.

Type Five Plans
Get detailed plans and material cost specifications
We give you high quality construction documents and plans, easy to understand instructions, and complete material lists to help you price your time correctly.
Type Five Marketplace
Choose jobs to fill your schedule
Every Type Five project is similar in the time and effort, giving you the flexibility to decide which jobs to take and when.
Type Five Contractor Payment
Hassle-free bidding and payment
We make it easy for you to set your own price and get paid immediately after you finish your job.
Type Five Contractors

We strive to be the best general contractor you've worked with

Minimize your customer interaction
Type Five handles the face to face with the customer, allowing you to focus on what you do best.
Straightforward, repeatable jobs
Every Type Five project uses a consistent set of plans, materials, and processes.
On-time payments
We can integrate with your existing payment systems or processes to ensure that you get paid on time, every time.
Material procurement support
Our team can help procure and provide the materials for your jobs to save you more time and money.
“I’ve found I can do ten Type Five jobs in the same time I can do one custom project, and make a lot more too.”
Framer in Orinda, California
“Type Five provides all the exact information for the job. They do my bidding work for me.”
Plumber in Oakland, California
Type Five Home

Join the network and explore jobs in the Bay Area.

Help build beautiful, sustainable homes that keep families, friends, and communities together.

Sign up for free
Or call / text us at (510) 380-7500 to learn more.
Type Five makes thoughtfully designed and well-crafted homes for all kinds of life.
Designed in Berkeley, California.